
Last Updated 1 year by Lukas

Not so long ago it was quite difficult (without license) to sell electricity as only owner of small solar system (up to 10 kWp maximum size). This radically changed past begining of 2023. Currently it’s possible to install (without license) system up to size 50 kWp (20 kWp without additional requirements). And there is one more change in a way how to request distrubution EAN (Having different ID for buying and selling electricity). You can now request EAN to sell your electricity (as owner of small solar system) without having license to sell electricity. Let’s go together over the steps which allows you to sell electricity, which would be otherwise transfered for free into the grid.

What are the starting requirements to fulfill

  • You need to own Solar System connected into the outside grid with allowed export
    • Here you have to request connection from your local distributor (When you have solar system ready), fulfill connection requirements and agree on limiting parameters. These are usually written in form of “at most you can export in given moment XY kW”. As your exported electricity will be consumed in your close neighbourhood. Distributor has to somehow control maximum power provided by your system. This is the reason why they agree with you on some limits.
  • You have to request segregation of buying EAN and selling EAN. Where EAN is number identifying you / place of connection into the outside grid. When you have two separate EANs, you can buy and sell from different people. If your buying and selling EAN is merged into one (this is how it was done formely) you can only buy and sell from one provider. The befit of two EANs is clear, you can buy with fixed price from one and sell to someone else for example for SPOT price.
  • Of course solar system up to the size of 20 kWp per year can produce export into the outside grid within range 2 – 10 MWh per year based on your personal consumption. This won’t make you rich, but it will definitely help with electricity bill and return on investment for solar system.

Let’s test this with hands on example

  • I got installed solar system of 7 kWp, with 10kW RCT inverter, 11,5 kWh LiFePo4 battery and heating into water. Any extra electricity that can’t be immediately consumed or stored is exported into the grid
  • On the picture below we see monthly production of this solar system, the red line inside the picture represents average consumption of my house. It’s pasive house with modern technologies and so outside energy consumption is minimal

Solar system production throughout the year and average consumption of the pasive house

  • After approval from CEZ I got 4Q (4 quadrant) power meter, which can measure consumption, production and power delivered into the grid (When you are exporting into the grid).
  • At the begining buying and selling EAN is merged together, you have to register yourself into DIP (distribution portal of CEZ) and request “Generate distribution EAN on demand”. Usually within a day or two, you are assigned with new (second) EAN.
  • At this point, you have to find someone who will buy electricity from you. And has licence to do so (to shield you from having apply for your own license). In my case I selected ‘Entri’ as it offered SPOT price and very favourable fee for the service.
  • You give your distribution EAN to the company you selected to buy from you. You sign a contract with them and that’s it.
  • Based on experience and self-consumption my system is able to export 2 – 3 MWh per year

Is there anything to keep in mind?

  • As per Czech law (§10 section (1) point a) and section (3) point a)) earnings from electricity selling are not taxed up to CZK 30 000,- per year. Please double check current law at the point in time you want to start selling electricity.
  • Be aware that in case you export more power than agreed with electric grid provider. You can be fined. Usually this is handled by proper setup of inverter, which is able to limit maximum export power.
  • In real life you can expect with 10 kWp system total export per year of 2 – 4 MWh. Which would translate into approximately 4 * 130,- EUR (price on 27/03/2023) = CZK 12 341,- in case of 4 MWh per year.
  • Please be aware that in special cases (Huge offering of electricity, without demand for it) you can see prices go negative. It’s very rare, but you should in such case limit any export into the grid.
  • If you generate distribution EAN, you have to register it. Either under yourself or through company that will buy electricity from you. Otherwise OTE (Local venue for electricity) can fine you for NOT registered export into grid.

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